🗣️ Discursive Commitments

Per my recent work on “Being” a YouTuber, I have aimed to commit publicly to a set of self-administered rules for clear and effective public writing. These rules, written as a set of questions, ask the reader to judge if a given video:

  1. Provided citations for key terms, claims, and reasoning.
  2. Define any complex terminology used.
  3. Make claims and arguments that were clear and understandable.
  4. Offer novel insights, information or resources.
  5. Include opportunities for audience engagement, reaction or reflection.
  6. Demonstrate consistency between the creator’s stated principles and their actual statements and behaviors in the video.
  7. Humbly admit to and correct any previous errors or inconsistencies.
  8. Incorporate dialogue with other perspectives beyond just the creator’s own views.
  9. Avoid claiming any special, exclusive knowledge and instead emphasize learning together with the audience. 10.  Focus on one or more of the following:
    1. Educating the audience on worthwhile topics
    2. Thoughtfully reflecting on the creator’s own experiences and development
    3. Responsibly analyzing social/cultural issues to recognize concerning patterns and symptoms

A Google Form for concerned viewers can be found here. If viewers would prefer a PDF form, this can be found here.

Thank you for your collaboration in making ‘misteramazing’ as a project possible!

  • Shae